
Achtung Programmierer,
Kleine Umfrage. Welche Programmiersprache haltet Ihr für geeignet, einem mathematisch begabten 14-jährigen das Programmieren schmackhaft zu machen (Einstieg). Ich denke an Python , evtl. Pascal. Ich selbst bin kein Programmierer. Auch geeignete Literatur und Webtipps werden gern genommen. Boosts erwünscht. Danke !

Python is pretty cool. Because there are so many libraries for it it can be pretty rewarding pretty fast. There are also books like Python for Kids, which show in a not boring way how to do some cool stuff.
Also Lua is neat. It has an easy to use game framework called Love, also many games are scripted in it, amd modding existing games is a known gateway to programming. If the 14 year old in question likes Minecraft-style games, then @Minetest can be extended using Lua.

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